Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dear Future Husband

I've loved you for longer than you could ever imagine. I've prayed for you for years. I know that no amount of time or words could ever be enough to show you just how much you mean to me. I think about you all the time. Especially in church, when the preacher man talks about honoring your spouse and how the meaning of marriage, love, and forever just aren't real in this day in age. This absolutely kills me... I promise to never let that be the case for us. I never want you to fear that I do not honor you, love you, respect you, need you, rely on you, want you, desire you, am inspired by you, and amazed by you. I want you to be my forever. I want to wait from here on out and be patient in my wait for you, for us, because I want God to bless our marriage and bless our love; I want to be just as special to you as you are to me. I'm so sorry for all the wrong paths I've gone down in the past. I promise from this moment forward to honor you as though we are already married and to respect you as though we've already said our vows; to you I will be true from here on out. I have so much love to give you and I can't wait to show you each day how truly wonderful I think you are. I hope wherever you are, you're safe and happy. I pray love consumes your world and someday you will let me be apart of that world. I can't wait for you to get here and into my arms. You mean everything to me and I'm so blessed to someday have you in my life!

All my love, 
your future wife


w.e.schwartz said...

Beautifully said. <3

ty said...

:) I might have to repost this tomorrow ... credit to you, duh.

Unknown said...

{{{Goosebumps}}} This is beautiful.

Unknown said...

This is beautiful! I love how you said this and how you spoke of him!

Come stop by to join the small blog challenge I have created!

Unknown said...

Love it!!

-Mallori said...

I LOVE your Dear Future Husband posts :)

Contemplating Beauty said...

I LOVE this, my daughter is almost 17 and her and her boyfriend having been dating for over a year. They are on a journey of purity, and they are committed. Do you follow Rebecca St.James' books and her work? She talks about similar stuff--but now she's married. Anyway, thanks for the post, I'm going to share it with my daughter!