Monday, December 13, 2010

The South Butt

{But first}
Thanks for all of your lovely comments on my last post! 
I'm glad you all enjoyed the idea as much as I did.
Each and every one of you brought a big ol' smile to my face... 

Moving on,

Are you tired of a so called "fad" sweeping the nation? 

College student, Jimmy Winkelmann, was and so he decided to do something about it.  

Jimmy designed the brand "The South Butt" in response to the "sheep like following" of the outdoor clothing+gear line, "The North Face".

{I am in no way taking either side of the fence on this one. 
For I too have North Face attire. 
But, I can most certainly resepect a little parody!}

After reading the stories here and here I can't help but laugh hysterically! 

However, The North Face company didn't find it to be quite as humorous. They have been battling Jimmy for years over trademark violations, but oddly enough, little Jimmy has done nothing wrong in the eyes of the law. Although, I understand the dispute for trademark rights... The fact North Face has made such a big deal over this, has caused The South Butt's sales to sore! 
So, I agree with this article
"When protecting its trademarks, big companies like The North Face need to find a delicate balance between defending against unfair competition and being able to laugh at itself."

the creator and his works

Jimmy's response to all the turmoil??
"I think the consuming population is well aware of the difference between a face and a butt..."

I must say that I am lovin' Jimmy's idea and cause :)

What about you? 

Onnnne more thing...
Remember the photo swap idea I mentioned?
Go check out the newest edition of the "swap" here!


Suze said...

I laughed so hard, that is too funny. Hope your having a great monday friend!

Mizdragonfly said...

Fun initiative, and good for him - I highly doubt South Butt's sales affects North Face's figures...

lindsay said...

this is so hilarious! i have read about the south butt before and had forgotten about it until now.

i can always count on you sam :) thank you for always making me smile girly!

xoxo ♥

Unknown said...

I hadn't heard of this before I read it on your blog. Pretty funny!

I just love that in turn his sales boomed! why couldn't I have thought of this!?

Anonymous said...

hahaha this is brilliant! Bet this would be possible with many of the different fad-brands out there... A store selling funny copycat brands would probably do really well!

BelleinBows said...

How have I never heard of this. Hysterical. Good for Jimmy.

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

This is hilarious! I've never heard of this...thanks for sharing. Can't wait to tell my husband about this! ha!

Candice said...

Oh my word. Hilarious! I love people with a sense of humor! :)

Unknown said...

Too cute and funny! Jimmy is a riot.

Jessica said...

I have a North Face and I love it -- and I would totally have a South Butt jacket too, it's seriously hilarious. His response was fantastic. Haha!

Unknown said...

Great Gatsby that's cool! Whatta guy! And he's right, I do indeed know the difference between a face and a butt! Wonderful words Mr. Jimmy!


vintch said...

just wanted to let you know, this made my day! love it. so fabulous.

phil said...

make fun of north face!? how dare someone insult the letterman jacket of the greek system!!

...bahahaha. sorry i tried to keep a straight face...

Amy said...

Guilty! I own a North Face! But only because it was gifted and it keeps me super warm and blends in with my work uniform! But the South Butt! That is hilarious! What a funny guy to come up with such an idea! Thank you so much for sharing because now I'm totally interested and I can't wait to read more! Love & x's & o's!

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

that's so funny!

Erica said...

Haha! Thanks for the laugh!

Brooke T said...

HAHAHA!! THIS.IS.AWESOME!!! I would wear the south butt!

Victoria said...

Hilarious! I can't believe North Face got so mad! They really should have thought about the publicity before they did that... so funny.

My friend is going to Melbourne, she leaves on the 28th of January!
She'll be gone until July and I'm going to be sooo jealous! of both of you!

Young People in Love said...

Why have I never heard of this??? SO amazing!